The John 'Situation'
I had decided not to talk explicitly about the John 'situation’, but I feel that I now need to comment.
How the world has changed.
Spring 2004 - Series 1. A plucky young lad by the name of Christopher Parker was the resident ‘entertainer’ on Strictly Come Dancing. Good dancers were knocked out of the competition – Claire & Paul, Erin & Martin, Lesley & Anton. The entertainer was left standing until the final. Week after week the viewers noticed, sighed, rolled their eyes at the person sitting next to them on the sofa and went on with their lives.
Fast forward to Autumn 2008. It’s Series 6. There are discussion forums with hundreds of users, dozens of online blogs, Facebook, MySpace. The papers are aware of the millions of viewers, thousands of online users, and regurgitate every judge’s comments. Jeremy Vine has a debate about it on Radio 2 in between discussions about the credit crunch and the Euro. And in the middle of the storm is John Sergeant, plodding along, entertaining the nation just as Christopher had done five years earlier.
The debate about John has only happened because the growth of the show and the communication outlets around it. Aside from Natasha & Brendan, barely a word was written about Strictly Come Dancing during Series 1. Now, it’s out there 24-7 and the papers are all trying to get Strictly exclusives and sell a few more copies.
John and Christopher are not that different. Both were loved by a public who valued entertainment over skill. Both worked hard on their dancing, and had great respect for their professional partners. The only difference is the change in the voting mechanic, with the addition of the dance-off.
Of course, this is a blog, which gives me a platform to give my opinion.
I like John. Cha cha aside, John dances the choreography he is given well and makes few mistakes. His technique is not the best and the routines are simple, but he learns each dance and performs it with enjoyment.
The public are entitled to vote for whomever they choose. That is the beauty of Strictly.
Yes, it’s a shame - neigh a travesty - that better dancers have to be thrown out to make way for him. But those are the rules and I respect that.
I certainly don’t think John should step down. And I hope that, whatever their opinions, the public will continue to treat John with respect.
I respect what John has done. It takes great courage to put yourself in front of the public every week in a field that you are unfamiliar with, only to have everyone give you grief instead of credit.
I thought that it was disgraceful that Christopher & Hanna stopped Lesley & Anton getting to the final of Series 1. And I can see John & Kristina doing the same this time around.
I would be happy to see John voted off Strictly Come Dancing. But I have now made peace with the fact that he might still be standing come 20th December.
My overwhelming memory of Series 1 was how boring the final was. Admittedly, it was only a 2-handed final. But there was no way Christopher would have beaten Natasha. I don’t think Lesley would have done either, but perhaps the final might have felt more exciting. As it was, it was dull.
A final with any combination of Austin, Tom, Rachel, Lisa and even Jodie would be the most exciting since Zoe, Colin and Darren (I love Christine, but I don’t see her as a contender). Add John to the mix, and it starts to look a bit boring.
So, for the sake of an exciting final, I would like to see John pack up his Freeds and head for the door.
How the world has changed.
Spring 2004 - Series 1. A plucky young lad by the name of Christopher Parker was the resident ‘entertainer’ on Strictly Come Dancing. Good dancers were knocked out of the competition – Claire & Paul, Erin & Martin, Lesley & Anton. The entertainer was left standing until the final. Week after week the viewers noticed, sighed, rolled their eyes at the person sitting next to them on the sofa and went on with their lives.
Fast forward to Autumn 2008. It’s Series 6. There are discussion forums with hundreds of users, dozens of online blogs, Facebook, MySpace. The papers are aware of the millions of viewers, thousands of online users, and regurgitate every judge’s comments. Jeremy Vine has a debate about it on Radio 2 in between discussions about the credit crunch and the Euro. And in the middle of the storm is John Sergeant, plodding along, entertaining the nation just as Christopher had done five years earlier.
The debate about John has only happened because the growth of the show and the communication outlets around it. Aside from Natasha & Brendan, barely a word was written about Strictly Come Dancing during Series 1. Now, it’s out there 24-7 and the papers are all trying to get Strictly exclusives and sell a few more copies.
John and Christopher are not that different. Both were loved by a public who valued entertainment over skill. Both worked hard on their dancing, and had great respect for their professional partners. The only difference is the change in the voting mechanic, with the addition of the dance-off.
Of course, this is a blog, which gives me a platform to give my opinion.
I like John. Cha cha aside, John dances the choreography he is given well and makes few mistakes. His technique is not the best and the routines are simple, but he learns each dance and performs it with enjoyment.
The public are entitled to vote for whomever they choose. That is the beauty of Strictly.
Yes, it’s a shame - neigh a travesty - that better dancers have to be thrown out to make way for him. But those are the rules and I respect that.
I certainly don’t think John should step down. And I hope that, whatever their opinions, the public will continue to treat John with respect.
I respect what John has done. It takes great courage to put yourself in front of the public every week in a field that you are unfamiliar with, only to have everyone give you grief instead of credit.
I thought that it was disgraceful that Christopher & Hanna stopped Lesley & Anton getting to the final of Series 1. And I can see John & Kristina doing the same this time around.
I would be happy to see John voted off Strictly Come Dancing. But I have now made peace with the fact that he might still be standing come 20th December.
My overwhelming memory of Series 1 was how boring the final was. Admittedly, it was only a 2-handed final. But there was no way Christopher would have beaten Natasha. I don’t think Lesley would have done either, but perhaps the final might have felt more exciting. As it was, it was dull.
A final with any combination of Austin, Tom, Rachel, Lisa and even Jodie would be the most exciting since Zoe, Colin and Darren (I love Christine, but I don’t see her as a contender). Add John to the mix, and it starts to look a bit boring.
So, for the sake of an exciting final, I would like to see John pack up his Freeds and head for the door.
At 1:16 pm,
Anonymous said…
The Judges should feel ashamed! They have bullied John and done their utmost to make him feel guilty at still being in the competition as other dancers leave.
The future of Strictly is questionable if it does respect viewers votes? John lost 2 stone in weight he cannot be accused of not trying. Why include contestants who have no chance of being the best in the first place only for the judges to bully them for their efforts.It does nothing to encourage joe public to take up dancing as they is no encouragment for having ago or for providing great entertainment!
At 1:23 pm,
Millie McCabe said…
Well the judges and spiteful bad losers, yes you Cherie, have got their way. I won't be watching anymore SCD shows. The public are told to vote to keep their favourite in. The bullies have won.
At 2:07 pm,
Anonymous said…
The judges and some of the other dancers should be ashamed of themselves, this is bullying! I hope that the public will no longer respond to voting as either they are cheated,(we all remember this coming to light),or they are told off! and their choice is ignored.
It is the phone votes that raise money for children in need not the judges opinions, and although I agree John was not the best dancer by far, his participation will have raised a great deal of money for this charity.
I am appalled!!!
At 5:46 pm,
Anonymous said…
I agree with the comments posted so far, this is a disgrace!! People have paid to phone in over recent weeks, and their vote is now in vain. Why have the public vote only to ignore it when it doesn't suit. The judges were rude to John and it was embarrasing to watch as he was made to look like a fraud when in fact the votes were keeping him in. Shame on you Strictly!!
At 6:22 pm,
Anonymous said…
I watched SCD on Saturday and not once did I hear Bruce ask us to vote for the best dancer, he said "vote for the couple you want to see next week". I wanted to see John and Kristina and voted for them as requester. When do we get our money back?
At 6:40 pm,
Anonymous said…
Im sorry but i think its a bad show when someone is trying there best and he gets put down week after week. I useto have respect for the judges.Particularly LEN but no more!Im not watching the show anymore........
At 7:12 pm,
Anonymous said…
I feel I have to agree with all the comments left so far, poor John was bullied and ridiculed by the judges on his efforts, he was a joy to watch and Christina was just fabulous.I also feel that James comments on Monday 'It Takes Two' were very hurtful and yet tonight he is saying that John took the easy way out, I hope all the Judges and the dancers who have made these hurtful comments are ashamed!
At 8:02 pm,
Unknown said…
I understand and respect everyones opinion including Johns, the entertainment fatcor was great and he seemed like a nice bloke, its just a shame keeping him in purely for the entertainment factor meant that good dancers had to be kicked off in the meantime. I dont agree with Johns Choice to leave, though i would have been very upset with the show and the BBC if John was allowed to win the final, i cant help but thinking that it was a cowards way out, in that he didnt want the humiliation of been in the dance off as he was refering to tonight in it takes two. I also dont believe the judges bullied him in any way, there job is purely to judge the dancing and although he was great fun to watch i cant help but say in the words of craig that John was a 'disaster'. Their jobs were to judge the dancing of the celebraties rarther that their entertainment factor otherwise you may as well not have judges on the show and just let the public vote!
At 8:07 pm,
Anonymous said…
It is not just the judges at fault here the professional dancers also looked down on John. We all know who John Sergent is, that very intelligent Political Correspondent. The Judges and Professionals would be unknowns without a silly Entertainment programme called Strictly come dancing. Will it still be around next year? John Sargent will.
Unfortunately I could not bear the judges trying to save their jobs tonight on your show Claudia so as much as I have always enjoyed your show I had to turn off. Strictly on Saturday? No it just leaves a bad taste good DVD for me I think.
Thanks for the previous shows it was fun but ENOUGH.
At 9:16 pm,
Anonymous said…
James Jordan is a sore loser and a hypocrite, his comments on Saturday and Monday were, we think, a lot to do with John's decision to leave. The judges are all practising damage limitation by back tracking on what they said in previous shows they are a disgrace, they should remember who pays their wages! Us, the public and we have a right to vote for whoever we want!
At 11:01 pm,
Unknown said…
Just watched news at 10 and there is a laughing John tellin gus about a contract that he has for a cruise through the Panama Canal in 2 weeks time!!!!!
So the judges bullied him into going.....I don'y yhink so....a lucrative contract that was already signed sounds more like it. He obviously didn't think he would last this long and it looks like he is using that as an excuse to get out of the programme.
Now who should be hanging his head in shame?
At 10:13 am,
Anonymous said…
People! People! Funny how I always thought this was a DANCING competition. I love watching people progress to a top, almost professional quality of dancing from knowing nothing about dance in the first place. Makes me feel that even I might aspire to try something like that and actually be good at it. John, however, will not improve - this is very clear - therefore it's a very good thing he did go!! I can't wait to watch the next show and see some great dancing for a change!
At 10:31 am,
Anonymous said…
John's a political correspondent and therefore especially good at coersing people to subtly do exactly what he says - he's been very good at it up to now. The public have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. The man certainly did go on about the rules - to such an extent that focus was completely taken off the dancing. Very clever indeed. Now that he's gone and become extremely famous for doing so, we and all the other celebs attempting to work harder than ever before, can get back to the point - the dancing!
At 11:34 am,
Anonymous said…
I agree with the comments posted so far, this is a disgrace. People have paid to phone in for John.
The show should be canceled as the winner has just been bullyed off the show.Do they pick some contestants just to ridicule so thier so called stars dont loose.
Dont watch the show!
At 3:36 pm,
Anonymous said…
I'm outraged that John Sargeant felt he had to step down. He has been bullied - something I feel very strongly AGAINST. He's done absolutely nothing wrong, if the judges don't like it then the rule of the show need to change. He's worked just as hard as every other dancer. Am disappointed in strictly.
At 5:30 pm,
klunky said…
Whatever happened to the anti bully campaign the BBC obviously feels that it is above this.
Have watched this show since it first began but no more. The judges the producers and utimatly the BBC should be disgraced at their behaviour. John may not be the best dancer but he was entertaining for all the right reasons, also they seem to have forgotten the one fact that it is the public that is meant to decide who stays in the show, not we dont like the public opinion so bully the contestant to the point that they leave.
If the other contestants and the judges cannot handle the situation then maybe they should quit.
shame on the lot of them
At 6:49 pm,
Anonymous said…
This week I will vote with my remote, I will watch ITV instead.
At 4:20 pm,
Anonymous said…
Forgive me but have I lost the plot. I thought the purpose of SCD was to find the "best" celebrity dancer. No one can deny that John tried to dance,he made me laugh at his antics and I liked him but no way should he have been voted on week after week when others who danced better were voted off. It is my view that people were making a mockery of him just to get back at the judges because of their tactless comments. I was really pleased when he used a bit of commonsense and opted out himself. This lets him go on his luxury cruise which was booked before SCD started
At 11:21 pm,
Anonymous said…
I'm a great SCD fan and was dismayed that John was voted back week after week. Yes, he's cute and cuddly and a well respected political journalist, but he was a terrible dancer and should have left the show weeks ago. The judges tried to be polite, John was criticised far less than the other contestants, but since the competition progressed, he received more criticism simply because he was the worst dancer. I'm sure John is very aware of that fact. I'm glad he's left so the competition can begin and I respect him for that.
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