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Monday, October 20, 2008

Interview With Kristina

The Daily Mail featured a lovely interview with Kristina last week.

It is clear how fond she has become of John during their short partnership.

She says: "I read he was political journalist, or something like that. But I still don't think I understood just how famous he was. It was only once we got going, and everyone was talking and writing about him that I understood that he was like some sort of national treasure. I ended up thinking, 'My goodness I will have to be careful with him. I must not break him'."

It's so nice that they get on so well. Although it's 'strictly' business: "He is very cute, adorable actually, but not sexy for me, no. He is more like a father figure to me, like a mentor. I can talk to him about anything in the world. He is the most wonderful man and he knows so much about Russia, my country, perhaps due to his job, but also because his mother was Russian. We have an affinity there, I think. He is also very easy to talk to. I don't usually open up to people much, but John has a way of making you feel completely at ease. I find myself telling him everything that is going on in my life. He asks about my family, about everything really. I can really talk to him."

It's well worth reading the whole interview if you have time.


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