Vincent & Flavia In Dukinfield
I enjoyed the Donaheys dance and workshops with Anton & Erin last month so much that I decided to return to see Vincent & Flavia on Saturday.
I attended their intermediate workshop on Saturday afternoon. We started with Argentine tango. Myself, Bev, Nicola and Andrea were all partnerless, which makes the Argentine tango pretty tough when the whole point is about following the man's lead. Ha ha ha! But Vincent did come and dance with all of us, which was great. I had to be reminded to relax and not anticipate a few times, but by the end I was loving it. I could feel I was being tested to see if I was really following a few times, and I think I did OK.
We followed on with foxtrot which seemed really alien after the Argentine tango. But you could see Vincent & Flavia's influences on the style, with zig zagging figures, the ballroom equivalent of ochos. It was interesting, and very different.
The evening's dance was lots of fun. I didn't do any ballroom or latin, but I did do the line dancing. It takes a few goes through to pick up the line dances, but I can usually get them before the music stops. Great fun.
Vincent & Flavia's showcase was just breathtaking. Probably the best I have seen.
They performed a fantastic opening number that was a mixture of styles. They clearly like to play with choreography, and this routine demonstrated that.
They did a fantastic quickstep, I think. I 'lost myself' in it all. When it was over I had trouble remembering anything.
They also did a samba, which was as energetic as you would expect.
The best part was their amazing Kissing You waltz. It was the routine that blew everyone away on Strictly, and it was amazing to see it live. I don't think I've ever been so swept away. If you've forgotten it, here is their Strictly performance.
I shall be moving mountains to see Vincent & Flavia again.
Thanks and praise have to go to Paul and the gang at Donaheys for yet another fabulous event.
I attended their intermediate workshop on Saturday afternoon. We started with Argentine tango. Myself, Bev, Nicola and Andrea were all partnerless, which makes the Argentine tango pretty tough when the whole point is about following the man's lead. Ha ha ha! But Vincent did come and dance with all of us, which was great. I had to be reminded to relax and not anticipate a few times, but by the end I was loving it. I could feel I was being tested to see if I was really following a few times, and I think I did OK.
We followed on with foxtrot which seemed really alien after the Argentine tango. But you could see Vincent & Flavia's influences on the style, with zig zagging figures, the ballroom equivalent of ochos. It was interesting, and very different.
The evening's dance was lots of fun. I didn't do any ballroom or latin, but I did do the line dancing. It takes a few goes through to pick up the line dances, but I can usually get them before the music stops. Great fun.
Vincent & Flavia's showcase was just breathtaking. Probably the best I have seen.
They performed a fantastic opening number that was a mixture of styles. They clearly like to play with choreography, and this routine demonstrated that.
They did a fantastic quickstep, I think. I 'lost myself' in it all. When it was over I had trouble remembering anything.
They also did a samba, which was as energetic as you would expect.
The best part was their amazing Kissing You waltz. It was the routine that blew everyone away on Strictly, and it was amazing to see it live. I don't think I've ever been so swept away. If you've forgotten it, here is their Strictly performance.
The finished off with the incredible Argentine tango showdance that they performed on the Strictly tour.
What really shone through for me was their infectious love of what they are doing. It was clear that they are enjoying performing together and truly love what they do. As someone who only gets to dance for fun, aside for the odd show at my local theatre, I would give everything to do what they're doing. It's heartbreaking for me to watch dancers who are going through the motions. No-one could accuse Vincent & Flavia of that. They literally took my breath away.
They were both so wonderful. I am so glad that their partnership is strong and they are so connected on the floor.
I shall be moving mountains to see Vincent & Flavia again.
Thanks and praise have to go to Paul and the gang at Donaheys for yet another fabulous event.
At 5:45 pm,
Anonymous said…
Just to say that my husband and I attended the Friday night appearance of Vincent and Flavia at Dukinfield Town Hall and their showcase was absolutely wonderful. Like you, the highlight for me was the beautiful waltz to Kissing You - we had a great seat from where we could appreciate the lifts etc. I, for one, will definitely be going to see them again. We met them afterwards and my husband told Vincent that I was madly in love with him, at which Vincent stepped forward and planted a great big smacker full on my lips! That was the icing on the cake for me - very memorable! Couldn't wait to get home and print out the photos the next day - there's one of me and Vincent and a great one of my husband and Flavia! Great night out and well worth the money.
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