Strictly Come Blogging

Louise. Lou. Loulabelle. Loulabelle44. Louby.
Proudly blogging about Strictly Come Dancing ALL YEAR ROUND since 2006. Always spoiler-free.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Arlene Wants The Doctor

Digital Spy have published quite a lengthy interview with Arlene Phillips.

Although it covers a lots of the DanceX ground covered by other recent interviews, it also has some interesting insights.

In the interview, she says she'd like to see David Tennant as a contestant. And she'd still like to see Jordan participate.

She is "very" happy to be a part of SCD5.

She also talks about her and Bruno's creation of DanceX.

"This is our idea. Bruno and I started this three years ago, putting this together jointly, working out what we could do and we were very lucky that the BBC picked it up. Very lucky indeed. But yes, I'm very, very much more involved in every step of the way, whereas with Strictly, no it isn't my show at all. I'm just one very, very small element of Strictly, but Bruno and I are much larger elements of this show."


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