Strictly Come Blogging

Louise. Lou. Loulabelle. Loulabelle44. Louby.
Proudly blogging about Strictly Come Dancing ALL YEAR ROUND since 2006. Always spoiler-free.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Musings: Week 4

I watched the show on Saturday night, but just didn't have the time to write down my thoughts before the results. I'm not 100% sure I was watching the same show as the judges, though. They seemed to be piling on hyperbole and overmarking all over the shop.

Shayne & Nancy's cha cha just didn't pop for me. It lacked flow and never really got going. I blame the bowling theme for that. Perhaps Shayne was concentrating too hard. It just didn't look relaxed, and his arms looked shortened. He's competent, but just not reaching his potential yet.

Sarah & Vito's foxtrot didn't really get going for me either. It felt a bit 'small'. Sarah is a lovely dancer, and as Shirley noted, her spotting is impeccable. But this dance just didn't sing in the way other dances have done for her. I don't know why they changed hold for a few counts - it jarred with the feel of the piece for me.

I enjoyed Nick & Luba's Charleston. It was sweet. And given his injury he did really well. He's quite light on his feet for a big fella. I thought the routine was joyful.

I think Jamie played the part of a wide-boy holiday rep really well. The salsa was pretty solid, and it's clear that Michelle really trusts him as a partner. His partnering skills are really strong. What I'd like to see next is for him to develop his performance so that he is dancing for all of us instead of just being focused on being a great partner. Definitely his best week so far.

I thought Wynne & Katya's tango was overmarked. I know the tango is supposed to to staccato, but it was a bit jerky and lacked drive and flow for me. His left arm was a bit far forward for my liking, the frame didn't look quite right. The storytelling was there, though. He took on the character.

Definitely not a good week for Punam & Gorka. Punam's jive was so flat-footed it made for an ugly presentation. There were a couple of very obvious errors. She also needs to learn how to stand when Gorka is moving and she isn't so she looked posed and not just waiting for the next step, or the bus.

Paul showed improvement this week. The quickstep actually felt like a competent dance. It's a shame you could drive a bus between Paul and Karen for most of the dance. But his hold and his timing were a bit better. He's certainly not amazing, but his is improving.

JB & Amy's rumba was fine. It was correct, there were plenty of recognisable figures. But I didn't feel any emotion, either romantic or raunchy. As Motsi commented, it was very technical and well danced. But just not very interesting.

I enjoyed Chris & Dianne's salsa. He partnered her really well, and it's clear that they trust each other. His timing is excellent. His feet were a bit 'picked up', he could have been a little more into the floor. He bobs up and down a bit. A little finessing would make it even better.

Montell & Johannes' Viennese waltz was nice. Danced well, great timing, nice line. Just not exciting and I'm not sure why. Maybe a bland song, I don't know.

Sam's samba was a bit awkward, sadly. She gave it absolutely everything, but she's just not a natural dancer so it ended up reading as a bit naff. I'm glad she and Nikita enjoyed dancing it, and I respect her efforts.

Pete also showed improvement this week. There was a little moment when he went out of sync with Jowita so they were bobbing up and down at opposite times, but overall it was an improvement, and I enjoyed watching their quickstep.

Is there anything Tasha can't do? I wasn't sure about a festival-themed Charleston, but it worked. She's such a neat dancer, she gives it everything without it being wild. She's completely unstoppable. The lifts were great. She and Aljaž could be the perfect partnership.

Punam and Sam were the bottom two for me this week, followed closely by Paul. I was sorry to see Nick depart, and I don't feel we really got to see everything that he might be able to do, although it was right that the judges saved Shayne. He didn't really deserve to be in the bottom. I'd love to see Nick come back for a Christmas special some time.

Monday, October 07, 2024

Monday Musings: Week 3

Here are my belated thoughts on Saturday night's Movie Week special...

Montell & Johannes started the night with a tango. I love One Night Only, but the arrangement by the band was fairly standard, and therefore it didn't lend itself to tango. The whole thing lacked drama for me. Montell is a very competent dancer, but this routine lacked light and shade for me. None of this is her fault, of course. It's just annoying when the songs aren't appropriate to the dance.

Toyah & Neil's samba was definitely more theme week than technical samba. There were some nice samba rolls and promenade runs, and Toyah absolutely brought the characterisation, but it didn't really work as a samba. I'd love to see Toyah play some sort of witch in a panto after that, but this was not a routine which was going to save her from the bottom of the leaderboard.

Chris & Dianne's jive was a masterclass in theming. There were nods to Wayne's World, but there was still plenty of jive content to make the dance recognisable. Lovely toe-heel swivels, nice picked-up knees. I loved it. I'm just concerned that this could lead to lots of dodgy fan fiction based on Wayne and Garth dancing a jive together...

More early-series rumba action, this time from Tasha & Aljaž. I fear that Tasha is peaking too early, and people are going to tire of her. This was another brilliant performance. with lots of clean figures. There is little to dislike (other than Aljaž's dodgy Ken wig). She really understands how to move her body and the shapes she can make.

The musical arrangement did more cha cha in this routine than Paul did. His timing is not good at all. Aside from a few New Yorkers and walks, there wasn't much content. Karen is giving it everything, but she is back-leading the whole thing. Let it be over soon.

Sarah & Vito's Viennese waltz was as magical as the boy the music inspired. Sarah is such a beautifully neat dancer, it is wonderful to watch. Perhaps the dance could have been flatter, and Anton had a point about her head placement, but otherwise it was glorious. Putting Vito in an academic gown was a stroke of genius, as it gave the dance even more movement.

Pete (or George) is improving, although his samba with Jowita was a little odd. His timing was out in places, but I am enjoying his growing confidence. His hip action wasn't quite there - he had a good forward and backward thrust, but lacked the figure of eight motion needed to make the samba more fluid.

JB & Amy's American smooth was sweet and bright, as you'd expect for a routine to Pure Imagination. There is some finessing that would make things even better, and I feel that if this was coming a few weeks later it would have been even better. He could do with a little more drive. To do American smooth before foxtrot is a bit difficult for the celebrities, though. I really wish they could do more ballroom first.

For me, Sam's paso lacked sharpness and appel. They used to spend so much time on the show talking about the staccato nature of paso, and the importance of appel. That was totally lacking for me here. It was all a bit one-note. Sam's timing is still a little off in places. She and Nikita are working hard, but she has a way to go still.

Shayne & Nancy spent so much time out of hold that I had to check if they were doing a Viennese waltz or an American smooth. I picked up on the same thing about Shayne's left arm as Anton (you'll have to take my word for it, but I have a witness!) - he needs to expand his frame to make the whole thing 'bigger'. He's a competent dancer otherwise.

Wynne has very good timing, there is no doubt about that, but this cha cha was a bit 'dad dancer' for my taste. The lack of finesse was fine for a theme week, but it didn't work for me otherwise. I really want to see him and Katya do a straight Latin routine and see how he fares, as he's been hiding behind characters so far.

Punam & Gorka's routine is what Couple's Choice should be. It was refreshing to have a Bollywood routine, which meant something to Punam, rather than just another hip-hop or balletic waft which could be danced by anyone. As ever, it is impossible to judge a CC against any other dance. I can't help thinking this would have been better saved for a week with backing dancers, as it would have been even better with more colour and more movement. But well done to the show for putting this in prime time.

I liked Jamie & Michelle's quickstep. It was bright and they covered the floor well. There was lots of content and most of the routine was in hold without too much faff. I feel like Jamie just hasn't quite popped yet. He's so close to wowing us, and I can't wait to see it when he does.

There is no question that Toyah and Paul were the bottom two. Personally, I would have sent Paul home. I felt that Toyah's timing was a little better, and her characterisation and storytelling was better than Paul's.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday Service: Week 2

Week 2. Second numb behind of the series.

I guess disco cha cha makes a change from disco salsa. Tom's posture was a little better than last week, but unfortunately, his cha cha was a bit flat and ploddy. Nadiya did a lot of the heavy lifting. He did have a bit of performance, though, which was nice for a non-performer.

Punam once again seemed to be given the mummy on a night out role, this time with a bit of Shania Twain. Her foxtrot with Gorka was nice enough. He footwork needs work, but wasn't horrific. Her topline could have been tighter, but for Week 2, it was pretty good.

The most interesting thing about Paul & Karen's salsa was the mirrorball barbecue. Paul did lots of walking, lots of standing and a little bit of lifting. Not much else. Any attempt at dancing was atrocious. I did not enjoy it at all. Poor Karen.

Wynne & Katya's Viennese waltz was captivating. Wynne's timing was lovely, and they glided around the floor as one. The hard work on his posture was evident. The routine had lovely musicality. So much better than last week.

JB & Amy's cha cha was slick and smooth. JB was ever so slightly pigeon-toed, but otherwise it was great. The chemistry between the two of them is starting to come along. I disagree that it was jagged or spiky, I thought it was pretty smooth. Any spikiness was in keeping with the music.

Sam really needs to watch her timing. She was out at times last week, and she was again this week. The Charleston needs the partners to be completely together, and she wasn't in step with Nikita. The swivel came and went throughout the dance. But she managed to get from one end of the dance to the other.

Chris & Dianne absolutely lived up to last week's start with a wonderful foxtrot. His frame could be more solid, and a little less sloppy up top, but he is such a joy to watch that we don't really care. The benchography, particularly the stop up and jump down at the end were a nice surprise. Loved it.

It was a brave decision for Jamie & Michelle to tackle the rumba so early on. But why not get it out of the way when you're very unlikely to go home. I'm inclined to agree with Craig that while the rumba was technically solid, they did look a bit like siblings dancing together. I'd love to see it again in a few weeks when their chemistry has developed a bit more. Maybe that's why it's not a good choice for Week 2.

 Toyah did a better job than last week but a long way. But her and Neil's jive was too flat-footed and lacked tone. The most exciting and most 'Toyah' part was the crawl across the bar. The pony steps seemed to be out of time. She is clearly having a good time, but we need more control and focus on technique.

Nick really threw himself into the American smooth, and fair play to him given his injury. The injury meant that he couldn't really lead Luba and his frame wasn't as strong as it could be, but I think when he is fully fit again, he could be a dark horse.

I really enjoyed Montell & Joannes' samba. She is a confident dancer, and I loved that she started the dance by herself. I wished that there was a little less of the slow rhythm and more up-tempo because I wanted it to be more packed, but it was all executed well and she's so watchable.

Tasha is definitely looking like the early frontrunner. Tasha & Aljaž's Viennese waltz was glorious. It was dreamy, smooth, elegant. She understands the rhythm, and she understands how to move her body and how to make it flow. Stunning.

Before we talk about Shayne & Nancy's tango, I want to take a moment to appreciate Nancy's dress and make-up. I think it's possibly the best she has ever looked on Strictly. Gorgeous. I loved Shayne & Nancy's tango. It had drive and attack, and he looked totally in control. I loved the drama.

Out of hold, Pete looks dynamic. In hold, he looked like a tentative novice. It's a good job this was an American smooth, because it meant that Jowita could get away with not having too much in hold. He's a safe pair of hands for the lifts.

Sarah & Vito's paso was a great way to close the show. It had intent and attack. She needs to be a little bit more grounded, and it looked as if she shoulders were rising, although that could've been the jacket. But otherwise it was a brilliant performance.

I agree that Toyah and Paul are the bottom of the leaderboard, and as you have probably gathered, I wouldn't be sorry not to see any more routines from Paul. Please can we give Karen a ringer next year?

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Saturday Service: Week 1 [Better Late Than...]

I'm a little late, but I'm back to review the first week of Strictly Come Dancing, just in time to get in the mood for tonight's show.

Nick & Luba had the honour of kicking off the whole series with their jive. I thought Nick did quite well. It was very 'placed' in the way someone who is not a natural dancer has to be - arm goes here, foot goes here - but it was an enjoyable routine, and a good start.

Foxtrot is a tough ask on Week 1, but Sam & Nikita made it look as if they had been dancing for weeks. Sam released her toes and looked really elegant. However, her timing was off on the parts out of hold, and I fear she might look a bit gangly when it comes to the Latin dances.

I really enjoyed Shayne & Nancy's samba. All hail the disco samba! Shayne looked in control, and was certainly leading on the spins. It was relaxed and comfortable. He has lots of potential, and I can't wait to see what comes next.

I don't know what happened in Toyah & Neil's tango. It started off quite well, and then went to pot. Something went wrong in the middle of the dance, and she never quite recovered. She was frequently on the wrong foot and out of time. Neil seemed to be dragging her around like a ragdoll. Hopefully this week will be better, or she could be on the chopping block.

Tasha & Aljaž's cha cha was really good. Tasha was so confident, and paired with the big summer banger in Espresso, the routine was magic. Lovely leg action, if a little light in places. And it's good to have Aljaž's energy back in the room.

JB & Amy's waltz was very sweet. Waltz is such a hard dance to sell, and they did a good job. JB could have had a little more drive, and a little more sway, but a good job for Week 1. It was a showcase for beautiful Amy's return, but I can't wait to see what happens when they have a dance with more drama.

Pete is clearly not a dancer, but it was clear he was trying hard, and Jowita did well to get him to the standard he was. He had some lovely paso lines at times. It just want a bit Pete Tong when he needed to move his feet. His timing is not there.

Sarah looked as though she has been dancing her whole life. Her quickstep with Vito was effortless. Fast, light, bright, they covered the floor well, and a lovely grand jeté towards the end. If she keeps this up, we'll see her in December.

I think the only thing wrong with Tom & Nadiya's tango was his posture. He was lent forward. It was odd because he didn't seem to be doing it to come down to her height, which some male celebs do. Otherwise, everything else was good. Good footwork, good timing.

Poonam looked as though she was living her best mummy life - glammed up on a Saturday night, dancing with a hot man. She looked as though she was having the time of her life, and it was enjoyable to watch. She's got potential. Her cha cha legs were a bit bendy, but I'm sure Gorka can work on that.

I really don't want to talk about Paul & Karen's alleged American smooth. Poor Karen. What did they expect her to do? His timing was OK. That's the review.

I thought the judges were a bit tough on Jamie & Michelle. Their Viennese waltz was solid, and for a Week 1 routine, it was a good effort. His timing was good. It lacked a bit of drive, it was a bit small, but not bad for a first routine.

I think we were all quite surprised at just how entertaining Chris & Dianne's cha cha was. His timing was good, and he really went for it. It was fun and I can't wait to see more. Of course the technique wasn't quite there, but there is time for that.

Montell & Johannes were everything I wanted them to be. Their foxtrot was perhaps a little too American smooth for my taste, there was lots of of hold. But they were beautiful together. She is a beautiful dancer, and she is going to go far.

I'm not really sure why they saved Wynne & Katya until the end. He is clearly very musical, but he's a bit of a dad dancer. Their samba was nice, but I don't need to see it again. A personality dance like this was fine for Wynne, but I'm not sure how he'll get on with something more serious.

So there we have it. Numb bums have finally woken up after a week, and they'll be back asleep in a few short hours.

I think Toyah, Paul and Pete were the right bottom three. They are going to have to work some to not be in the dance off.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

2024: The Pairings

I have struggled to decide if I should retire my blog. I still love Strictly, and having watched Saturday’s programme, I’m all in once again, but writing thoughts every week is becoming a chore that I endure, rather than a pleasure. The world has changed, too. If I was coming to Strictly now, I’d probably have a podcast. There was a point a few years back when I thought about starting one. But here I am, ready to talk about this year’s pairings and still not 100% sure if I really want to make this commitment.

I enjoyed the pairing show immensely. It’s a really interesting cast, and I’m already enjoying the pairings.

Chris McCausland & Dianne Buswell – Chris has already proven to be a bit of a loose cannon on a pre-recorded show, so I can’t wait to see what he says on the live shows. It’s clear from the group number that Chris is not natural dancer. I’m ready and waiting for Craig to make a comment about some lack of ability being a bigger disability than his lack of sight. I presume Dianne still has a massive fan base on social media, and this will probably keep them in for a while.
Wynne Evans & Katya Jones – Did Wynne have an argument with the wardrobe department? He definitely had the worst threads of the group! Katya’s clever choreography will probably take Wynne further than he might go with someone else. This pairing doesn’t excite me like some of the others.
Shayne Ward & Nancy Xu – I keep forgetting who Shayne is. He looks so different to the guy I remember from The X Factor and Rock of Ages. I think it’s a good opportunity for him to elevate his profile again. Nancy took Will Mellor a long way, and I expect Shayne to have a similar safari.
Jamie Borthwick & Michelle Tsiakkas – Michelle has been given a real opportunity to show us what she can do. Jamie proved on the Christmas special that he is very capable, so she should have an easy time getting him to a good standard. It could be a lot of pressure. I hope she really shines.
Pete Wicks and Jowita Przystał – Pete was definitely the moodiest looking one on the launch show. He is going to need a bit more than ‘blue steel’ to get through until Christmas. I think he’ll be mid-table.
Montell Douglass & Johannes Radebe – Let the Fire puns commence! This team if definitely going to be fire, though. Their chemistry bounced off the screen. I have a feeling already that she is going to get similar comments about ‘attack’ as Fleur. I expect fantastic latin, but I hope she can bring some elegant ballroom numbers as well.
Sam Quek and Nikita Kuzmin – Sam looked a little lost at times in the group number, so I think she might have to rely on personality on the dancefloor. I get the impression that it’s not going to come naturally to her. Nikita is a very patient partner, though. I think they’ll have fun. I’m expecting Angela & Carlos energy here.
JB Gill & Amy Dowden – I really don’t expect anyone but Amy winning this year, and I think JB can absolutely facilitate that. He’s a good mover, and as long as he doesn’t get an Aston wig of doom or get done a disservice by the judges, I think he’ll be around until the end. I also think JB has a bit more pizazz than the usual ‘nice guy’ celebrities that come Amy’s way.
Toyah Willcox and Neil Jones – Toyah is either going to be a revelation (think Debbie McGee) or she going to become annoying quickly. I’m really glad to see Neil back with a partner, but I don’t think everyone ‘gets’ him. I think their success will depend on their chemistry, and how much the public warms to them.
Sarah Hadland & Vito Coppola – This couple is going to be chaos. Sarah is bonkers and paired with Vito’s rambling streams of consciousness this couple is going to do well in the personality contest. I have no idea if she can dance, but I’m going to enjoy whatever they bring to the floor.
Tasha Ghouri & Aljaž Škorjanec Tasha is probably one of the least well-known of the participants, but she seems sweet, and she is going to do well with Aljaž, whom everyone is happy to see back on the show. Rose proved that having a hearing impairment is no barrier on Strictly, and Aljaž is a strong lead. Bring on the ITT captions!
Punam Krishan & Gorka Márquez – Punam is giving me dark horse vibes. I think she’ll be secretly a bit good. Gorka can send himself up as well as being serious, and if they can straddle that line I think they’ll be fun.
Paul Merson & Karen Hauer – Aren’t we at the end yet? The live shows are going to be long… Poor Karen. Has she ever had a ringer? She’s probably got her work cut out again. Paul doesn’t seem like he’ll be a natural. He’ll get the dad votes.
Tom Dean & Nadiya Bychkova – Tom looks as though he’ll do OK, but I think he might get lost in the crowd here. He’s going to have to work hard to get votes and be memorable.
Nick Knowles & Luba Mushtuk – Nick always seems to be Marmite with the public. Some people seem to have an irrational dislike for him. He’s been omnipresent on our screens for 20+ years, so everyone will know who he is. I fear he might be a bit of a dad dancer, and I wonder if he might have been a better contestant 10 years ago than he will be now.
Having Amy back, giving Neil a partner for the first time in years and giving Michelle her first partner means that three pros find themselves on the subs bench. Sadly, despite a truly brilliant debut, Lauren does not have a partner this year. Carlos and Kai also have to sit out. It’s unfortunate, but better that than 18 couples!
So, there we go. Fifteen couples, full of hope and possibilities. I don’t usually make predictions, but I expect to be seeing JB and Montell dancing in December. Probably Jamie too. I can’t wait to see how this tuns out.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

NTAs Short List Vote 2024

 The final round of NTAs voting for 2024 is open and Strictly Come Dancing needs your votes.

Claudia Winkleman is nominated for TV Presenter, alongside Bradley Walsh, Stacey Soloman, Alison Hammond and Ant & Dec.

Anton du Beke is nominated for TV Expert. He's up against Torvill & Dean, Sir David Attenborough, Kaleb Cooper and Martin Lewis.

And Strictly Come Dancing is battling it out for Talent Show with MasterChef, Britain's Got Talent, The Great British Bake-Off and The Voice UK.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Robin Windsor

I was shocked and saddened to hear about the passing of former Strictly pro Robin Windsor.

Robin was a breath of fresh air when he joined the pro line-up, bringing new choreography and teaching styles to the ballroom. 

My mum and I once accosted him in Paddington station. We were on our way to Cardiff to see Strictly Presents... Dance To The Music, which Robin was starring in. We had bought tickets for Cardiff because it wasn't coming to London. I saw Robin walk cross the station and take a seat. He was obviously waiting for the same train, and I simply had to say hello. He seemed surprised to be recognised, but chatted for a minute or two. We waited at the stage door after the show as well, and he was equally lovely. 

Here is a clip of him before he joined Strictly, performing with Burn The Floor at West End Live, alongside other future pros Kevin Clifton and Trent Whiddon.

And here is a clip of him performing at Wembley on the Strictly Come Dancing Live Tour with Patsy Kensit.

Goodnight, Bobby. You will be missed.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday Musings: Week 10

With so few couples left in the competition, everyone is now fighting for their places. And while there can be no 'shock' eliminations at this point, anybody really could be in the dance-off.

Layton & Nikita were up first with a somewhat disjointed American smooth. On paper, It's Oh So Quiet looks like a good song choice. It has light and shade baked right in. It has crescendos and stillness. Yet somehow it didn't translate into a coherent ballroom number. I think they did a good job, it just didn't pop. Layton's foxtrot footwork was excellent with a lovely toe release and a neat heel turn. But some of the faster parts were a bit wild and loose. I think it is the sort of dance that requires multiple viewings. But there's no time for that on Saturday night.

Throughout Nigel & Katya's rumba, I was distracted by the curtain on the left, which seemed to be waving at an unnatural rate. Which doesn't say a lot for the dance. There was a lot of wafting, and not as much content as I would like. I liked the musicality though, although when I wasn't looking at the curtain, I was looking at Katya. Was Nigel even in this number? I barely noticed him.

While I love a good rock song for drama, you just cannot beat traditional paso music, and the music really elevated Annabel & Johannes' routine. She continues to get better and dance without inhibition. It's wonderful to see. Her paso had attack and drama. She looked in control. She still needs to watch her facial expressions - at times she veered from intensity to nothingness.

The thing I noticed most about Angela & Carlos' cha cha was how neat Angela's arms were. Her free arm was on her hip for a large part of the dance, or tucked in. It was as though they had identified that it sometimes looks uncontrolled, and this was a way of keeping it in check. Cha cha is a hard dance to make interesting, and I thought they gave it a good go. They sold it, and I had a good time watching.

I really struggled with Bobby & Dianne's couples' choice. It seemed to me that production had decided that he needed to do a routine in tribute to his mother. I'm not sure this would have been his choice. The general public had a deep relationship with Jade that Bobby can probably never fully comprehend. I can't help feeling that production wanted to tug the nation's heartstrings in this way, and it may not have been Bobby's choice to do so. And it worked. Some of my friends reported that they were in bits. Cynical me wasn't so moved. The routine itself was a pleasant enough lyrical, contemporary number. It was nice. He danced it well, it was musical and because of the style it looked free. For once their height difference wasn't a factor. I liked it, but I'm not willing to be manipulated in this way.

Ellie & Vito's Argentine tango was outstanding. Gorgeous loose legs, lots of push and pull. Drama, tension, sexuality, musciality. A wonderful routine and was absolutely deserving of a place at the top of the leaderboard.

Ellie and Annabel were my favourites of the night. There are no bad dancers here, and picking the bottom two is difficult. It's probably right that Angela was in the bottom. I might have put Bobby or Nigel with her. 

There seems to be a lot of negativity towards Layton online because of his theatre background. So many people seem to have decided that that is not allowed on Strictly. I don't know where that comes from. Being a novice has never been a requirement.

Everyone still in the competition deserves to be there. They are all worthy, regardless of how much experience they started with. They have all entertained and worked their behinds off.

I'm going to be pausing the blog for a couple of weeks as I won't be able to watch, but I'll be back for the final!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday Service: Week 9

The problem with Blackpool week is that there is such a build-up to it, such a hype train, that we it arrives it often disappoints. Some of the judges get over excited. Some forget to pack all their paddles. It's total chaos.

Bobby & Dianne kicked things off with their jive. It was actually much tidier than I feared it might be. It was much neater than last week. The routine had lots of energy and there were no errors. It didn't blow me away, but it was very competent. I felt that the additional dancers seemed to make it feel crowded, as if they were too close to Bobby & Dianne. 

Angela & Kai were up next with their American smooth. I can't help thinking that the grueling Strictly schedule is starting to take its toll on Angela. She is looking tired and sometimes confused, and frequently goes wrong. The long competition is tough for the youngest and fittest, and it feels as though Angela reached her peak a few weeks ago. It wasn't a bad performance, but it really felt like the end.

I loved Layton & Nikita's Couples' Choice. It was fresh and fierce and everything you'd expect. They were almost perfectly in sync, and I can't help feeling they are being punished for not being perfect. For any other couple, that would have been a 40 I'm certain. The only thing I am left wondering is what the heck their showdance is going to be. They have used lots of tricks and have done a pole-dancing routine. What else is there to do?

I didn't enjoy Anabel & Johannes' American smooth as much as the judges seemed to. It was nice enough. She has lovely lines and it was very smooth indeed. The footwork was solid. But why did Anabel look so serious? That killed it for me. It would have been so dreamy if she had looked like she was having a nice time. I think she was going for emotion, but it read as intense and serious.

Choreographically, Ellie & Vito's Charleston wasn't my favourite. However, Ellie is just phenomenal. The lifts were heartstopping. Ellie nailed the routine from start to finish, high energy throughout, her facial expressions were great and she gave it bags of performance. I think I just prefer a 1920s style number.

The Argentine tango from Angela & Carlos was the best they have looked in a while. It was strong and intense. The lifts were really nicely executed. I am inclined to agree with Craig about Angela's legs - they didn't look elastic enough. But it was a good number, and it was nice to see Angela doing well again.

If only Nigel hadn't made a couple of tiny errors in that quickstep! What an amazing routine, and the (almost) perfect end to the show. Does he lose focus during the dance, or does he make the same mistakes in rehearsals? He is infuriating. That aside, it was showstopping. The solo sections were spot on. I absolutely loved it. I am shocked that the judges scores were so low. Also, I want to throw a fabulous party where Katya plays piano.

Layton, Angela S and Nigel (despite the errors) were my favourites of the night. Angela R has to be exiting the competition now. She's been in the dance-off twice already, and did nothing to suggest she shouldn't be there again. I have no idea who will also be in the bottom two. For me, it would probably be Bobby, but he didn't do especially badly.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sunday Service: Week 8

Is it almost Blackpool?

Lauren very much did all of the work in the samba with Krishnan. There was a lot of walking, without a lot of hip action. The samba rolls were OK, but the rest was a bit lacking. He looked a bit unsure of what was coming next. However, there is still something so darn watchable about Krishnan that I didn't hate it.

Bobby & Dianne's American smooth felt more like a Couples' Choice, as it was quote lyrical and seemed to have lots of little lifts. I didn't dislike it, but the most exciting bit was when Dianne unexpectedly pegged it towards the stairs. Bobby is a competent dancer, but I'm just not excited to see him anymore.

I'm starting to feel as though Angela has gone as far as she can in the competition. Her posture in the paso wasn't quite right. Her walking steps had a kind of 'shudder' to them, in a kind of cockney way. She seemed to be hanging on to Kai for grim death. And she seemed to be mainifesing her power in her jawline, which was quite unattractive. Her timing, however, is very good. She is a competent dancer, absolutely, but I'm not sure she has anything else to give outside of the ballroom classics.

I really enjoyed Nigel & Katya's Couples' Choice. It was so sweet and romantic. They danced it so well, and I loved the storytelling. I loved the way Nigel looked at Katya throughout with a fondness. He looked happy and she looked beautiful. It was a delight. He still hasn't hit the heights of those early weeks, but this is the Nigel we've been waiting to see again.

Ellie & Vito's rumba was stunning. I loved how she was alone on the floor at the beginning in the spotlight. The routine had light and shade, fast and slow moments. It was a routine I could have imagined Ola Jordan performing. Her lines are stunning, and she finishes all her moves beautifully.

I didn't see what the judges saw in Annabel & Johannes' samba. It was a little more Sophie than Shakira for me. Annabel is a little too straight and upright. There was also a little error towards then end. It wasn't a bad performance at all, but there are better couples left around her.

I thought Angela & Carlos' waltz was about the best she has done in weeks. It was elegant and pretty to watch. It had more breath than she has ever demonstrated before. Her footwork was much better and she looked relaxed. It bothered me that she didn't turn her head the to right when she came out of the standing spin, and if you're going to do an attitude leg line, you really need to have your knee higher than your toe. But a definite improvement for Angela.

The intensity and intent in Layton & Nikita's Argentine tango was stunning. Absolutely amazing. As Shirley said, it was pure art.

Layton, Ellie and Nigel were my top three last night. My bottom two would be Krishnan and Angela R. I would quite like to see Krishnan in Blackpool, but I am not sure I'd want him to be there at the expense of anyone else left. There are a couple of others that I don't have strong feelings about, so wouldn't be sad to see them leave, but at the same time I think everyone else left has more to offer.

Monday, November 06, 2023

Monday Musings: Week 7

So apparently this is actually the halfway point of the competition, and not last week as Shirley kept professing. Not that it really matters...

I thought it was a really strong week for most of the couples, and it's really starting to get tough. The judges are now having to split hairs and encourage the couples to be the best they can possibly be.

Layton & Nikita's jive was fantastic. Their synchronicity was incredible. They were so together as a couple, it was as if they had been dancing together for years. The retraction was lovely on the kicks and the energy was sustained. I didn't really need the fouette turns and the no-hand cartwheel - incredible tricks, but they didn't really fit the jive. Save those tricks for the showdance, so that we have something to be wowed by.

Angela & Kai's waltz was pleasant, but it's hard to make a waltz interesting. Something about Angela's topline is off, perhaps it's her head position, I'm not sure. Sometimes she raises her shoulders just a tiny bit. Her footwork is very good, and of course she is graceful.

It was great to see Nigel & Katya back on form. I loved the story of their tango, it was dramatic and engaging. I totally agree with Craig about how much Nigel was picking up his feet on the backward steps, but I was willing to forgive the technique for the performance. I loved the trustfall. They covered the floor, it had drive. I want to see this Nigel every week.

I wasn't that taken with Angela & Carlos' samba. It was giving me 'mum on a night out' vibes. The skirt shaking looked odd, and her arms were awful. She didn't extend her arms enough at all. It all just looked a bit unfinished and frantic.

I really liked Annabel & Johannes' couples' choice. The lyrical style really suited Annabel and her movement was bigger and more free than we have seen from her so far. She used every part of her long limbs and the movement continued to her fingertips. Perhaps this will be a turning point for Annabel. I want to see her dance like this every week.

I loved the drama of Bobby & Dianne's Argentine tango. The passion and atmosphere was great. Once again, they were a bit foiled by their height difference. The 'A' frame wasn't really there. The gancho section wasn't as exciting as we have seen from other couples in the past. I enjoyed it, although I'm inclined to agree that is looked a little 'placed'.

Ellie & Vito's American smooth was pure Hollywood glamour. As smooth as silk, slick and clean. Is there anything this girl cannot do? I just wish Vito wouldn't choreograph to every accent in the music. He could let some of them go, and the routines would still be as good. Definitely deserving of the 10s.

I liked Adam & Luba's rumba possibly more than the judges did. I liked the chemistry between them, and I thought Adam lead the dance quite well. There was quite a bit of posing, and it did feel a little repetitive in places, but for a fella I think he did really well. He presented Luba well. I think he could have used more hip action, and more figure of eight rotation.

Krishnan & Lauren's couples' choice was my least favourite dance of the night. There was a lot walking and a lot of very uninteresting lifts. Krishnan is capable of so much for, and this was just a bit of a snooze-fest. He's still counting out loud, which really needs to stop now. I love that he is loving it, but I never want to see this routine again.

Ellie and Layton were easily this week's top couples. Angela S, Angela R and Krishnan were the bottom for me, but I love Krishnan and was happy that he wasn't sent home.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday Service: Week 6

I know Halloween Week on Strictly is a Marmite event, but I love it. I like the crazy costumes and make-up. It's lots of fun.

As Shirley reminded us more than once, we are halfway through the competition. And it seems lots of our couples are starting to plateau. The are all pretty good, but the steady improvement seems to have tailed off for most of them.

I really liked Angela & Carlos' Black Swan-inspired paso. I liked the inclusion of balletic elements, and I thought the drama was wonderful. It could have had more expansion, which was there on the swan sections, but lacking elsewhere. There was a small error in the middle as well. A very creative routine, and a great start to the show.

Adam & Luba's American smooth was very cute. the choreography was simple, which meant he was able to execute it very well. The lifts weren't too challenging, which again meant it looked clean. The short section danced out of hold toward the end was a bit wobbly, but otherwise it was a good job.

Zara & Graziano's Charleson lacked finesse. She hasn't learned to move like a dancer. She's doing all of the moves, but everything is just steps with no finish or transition. She occasionally goes out of time as well.

Layton & Nikita's tango was full of drama and passion. It was brave to switch hold, and for me it didn't work. Layton did not look as polished in the leader role. I'm inclined to agree with Shirley that his quality could be better. He has acting, performance and dancing in spades, but he needs to work on the ballroom and technique.

I liked Bobby & Dianne's cha cha. It was fun and cheeky. I loved the drag across the floor with Dianne spinning. He definitely needs to control his arms. His limbs are so long, and they can look gangly because he doesn't control them. If he tidies up him arms, he could be even better.

Krishnan & Lauren's Viennese waltz was only OK for me. His topline is very bothersome. It's a little small, and he has a tendency to lean forward. The flerkerl went very awry. This was far from his best performance, but his characterisation was good.

Angela & Kai's Charleston was hilarious, mostly because of Kai camping it up! I really enjoyed the choreography, and, barring a little error in the middle, Angela executed it well. I still wish she would point her toes in the lifts. Those upturned toes are really ugly. But she continues to amaze us.

Johannes' decision to keep Annabel in hold for the entire tango was a smart move. It meant he was in control of the routine from start to finish, and it made Annabel look fantastic. It could have had more intensity, though. I didn't buy the character. Brilliant choreography - more routines like this from our pros, please.

It a shame there were a couple of errors in Nigel & Katya's cha cha, because it was great otherwise. I loved the choreography, with all the zombie elements. Nigel is a fantastic leader, and his timing is excellent. If he's in the final, I'd like to see him do that again and nail it.

Ellie reminds we a bit of Jill Halfpenny. She's great in everything she does, and nothing ever looks difficult. I never feel anxious when she comes onto the dancefloor, because I know everything is going to be under control. Ellie & Vito's salsa was fun, complicated and competent. She's yet to have a bad week, and she is absolutely a contender for the final for me.

Ellie was unquestionably the best of the night. I pretty much agreed with the bottom two on the leaderboard this week - Zara and Krishnan. But Krishnan is so well liked, there is a possibility that Annabel might find herself in the dance-off. No matter what, it definitely feels like Zara's time has to be up now.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunday Service: Week 5

This was a bit of an off week for a few of the couples. Nothing was really that bad, but a lot of numbers just didn't quite hot the mark.

Amanda was out this week due to "medical reasons". My social media timeline couldn't have been happier.

Annabel & Johannes went first with their Charleston. It was a really mixed bag. When Annabel knew the steps, she looked amazing. But she spent a lot of the routine losing her way, and giving Joahnnes the side-eye to see what was supposed to come next. It could have been a sensational routine, but it fell flat for me because so much of it went pear-shaped. It looked under-rehearsed.

Nigel & Katya's foxtrot was also a mixed bag. Out of hold it was exciting, dynamic and engaging. Their chemistry was great and they really drew you in. Then they would take hold, and it was really dull. His whole personality just faded away, and we were left with competent, yet uninspiring, dancing. One thing I noted was Nigel's spotting on the pivots. It was absolutely beautiful. I urge everyone to go and have a look.

Something about Eddie & Karen's samba just didn't land for me. I don't know what it was. Once again, Eddie is a star performer out of hold. He never fails to raise a smile. It's almost a shame that Strictly is a series about partner dancing, because if it was just about performing solo, he'd be bossing it. But in hold his dancing just never quite finds its way.

I really enjoyed Krishnan & Lauren's quickstep. He's such a joy to watch, and the improvement he has made since Week 1 is stark. I wasn't so keen on the slower portions of the routine, as this was Krishnan looked least comfortable. But with all the fast chassé sections and the out of hold parts, he was great. Is he the best dancer? No. But he's so engaging that I honestly don't care.

I watched Angela & Carlos' American smooth again today, and I enjoyed it more on second viewing. Choreographically, it moved around the floor, but could have had a bit more. There seemed to be a lack of interesting content, and Angela is capable of a routine with a bit more oomph. Angela is very elegant, and looks great on the floor. She needs to find her mojo.

Vito completely ignored last week's notes about over-packing the routine with steps and again went hell for leather with the paso. Thankfully, Ellie nailed it. Again. It was strong, it had drive and attitude. She is quietly going about her business, and she is going to be here for a long time. She doesn't get people talking about her, but she cannot be ignored.

I really loved Layton & Nikita's performance. It was showstopping. But was it a proper salsa? There was very little partner work. They spent most of the routine side by side. It was beautifully in sync, they matched each other perfectly. But this felt more like a couple's choice routine than a salsa. This was a dance for the stage, not for the dancefloor.

I was put off for most of Bobby & Dianne's Viennese waltz by his costume. Why was he wearing his grandad's long johns? That aside, there was a dream-like quality to their routine. It felt almost voyeuristic to be watching this moment, which as Craig suggested, was very cinematic. It's a shame that the fleckerl lost its way, as it was otherwise a very pretty routine. The longer I watch them, the more their height difference bothers me. Bobby is doing an amazing job at keeping upright, and keeping his body low to match Dianne's height.

I did not like Adam & Luba's couple's choice as much as the judges seemed to. For me, he was not matching Luba's energy. She was very bouncy, while his moves just didn't seem as clean. Everything from him seemed a little heavier. The chair section was the best part and seemed a lot more in sync.

The trust Zara put into Graziano to achieve those lifts was obvious. They were impressive, especially the lift at the end. It's a shame that the rest of their American smooth wasn't quite as good. She needs to extend and finish her lines more. Everything is a bit 'small' and contained.

I loved that Angela got to do the dance she wanted to do the most - the Argentine tango. She gave it a very good go too. I don't think it was one for the ages, but she and Kai did a really good job. I would have liked to see her point her toes a bit more, especially on the last few kicks and the final lift, where her hooks of feet looked a little unwieldy. I do with they wouldn't dress both dancers fully in black, though, as it makes the dances very hard to read.

My favourite this week was Ellie and probably Bobby. I enjoyed Layton and Krishnan as well.

The weakest for me were Zara, Adam and Annabel. Zara was brave, but can the lifts alone save her? Adam lacked energy and Annabel's routine was littered with errors. It will be interesting to see what happens tonight.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Saturday Service: Week 4

Lots of classic dancing this week, certainly in the first half of the programme. And some beautiful, classic costumes too.

I wasn't mad about Vito's choreography this week. His samba for Ellie seemed a little chaotic - there was a lot going on. It all seemed too fast and too packed. Ellie did a decent job with what she was given to do, though. She's still a lovely dancer to watch. There was some nice samba content, just too much other stuff.

I liked Adam & Luba's waltz. It was very classy and simple. OK, so maybe Adam spent a lot of time not moving while Luba danced around him, but it worked. The hold was good, the rise and fall was good, it was a pleasure to watch.

Oh dear. Jody & Jowita's salsa started off with so much promise, but started to flag as the dance went on. The transitions were very clunky, one of the lifts was really awkward. The salsa just wasn't his dance. It's such a shame, because Jody can be so much better.

Amanda continues to be annoyingly good. A very nice foxtrot, lovely frame, nice storytelling with Giovanni.

You've gotta love Krishnan & Lauren. Even when it's not perfect, it's still fabulous. Krishnan had the paso attitude throughout. The only thing that let it down was his shoulders, which seemed to be creeping up mid-dance. It was strong and in control for the most part.

It seems that there was a lot of content in Zara & Graziano's Veinnese waltz designed to prevent them from actually doing any VW steps. I loved the storytelling in the opening. I didn't like the use of smoke which covered her feet. Her left arm looked a bit droopy. There looked to be a little error in what we saw of her fleckerl. It was a nice performance, though.

I liked Annabel & Johannes' jive. It was energetic and punchy. The only thing which let it down was Annabel's heels, which she put down throughout the dance. She should have been up on her toes! I'd like to see a little more performance from Annabel now. She's a competent dancer, but she doesn't draw me in.

Eddie continues to be marvelous out of hold, but a little awkward in hold. Thankfully, the American smooth is out of hold quite a bit. I can't quite put my finger on what is wrong. Maybe it's his topline, maybe he doesn't stride out enough. I love his chemistry with Karen and I love the performance. But now it's time to work on being better dancing together, rather than just next to each other.

Loved Layton & Nikita's cha cha. Layton has found a way to channel his energy into control. The cha cha content was well executed, neat, great footwork and styling. As Shirley pointed out, this dance showcased their teamwork. Fantastic!

Nigel & Katya's salsa was fantastic. Nigel is such a great leader! The whole routine was fire! I loved everything in hold, and the side-by-side section was a lovely accent to the dance. In control, while also being loose and free with it. Great stuff.

It's a shame there was a little stumble out of the fleckerl, because otherwise Angela & Carlos' Viennese waltz was nice. But something about this routine left me cold. It was correct, but I just didn't connect with it.

There was lots to like in Angela & Kai's rumba. Lovely rhythm, clean footwork, and THOSE SPLITS! But it was a little too upright for my taste. I want a little more earthiness in the rumba, I wanted her to be a little more into the floor. And I wanted a little bit of hip on that final pose section. But Angela continues to surprise and delight.

Bobby & Dianne's tango was sharp. It was strong and clean. Maybe it was the music and the storytelling, but it was a bit cold for me. I prefer more passion and fire. But overall it was a very good tango.

The leaderboard was very different this week. Layton was easily the best of the night. I think Jody could be in trouble, and Zara might get a reprieve from the dance-off.

Monday, October 09, 2023

Monday Musings: Week 3

Ah, Movie Week. Let the "Is it a movie or is it a musical?" debates begin. It's an odd one, as there are enough movies to service Movie Week, without straying into musical territory at all. But here we are.

This week we started with Nigel & Katya's Batman jive, which was not themed on a movie or a musical, but rather the TV show. Huh? Theme aside, the dance was not up to the standard that Nigel & Katya have delivered in the last couple of weeks. Nigel was off time in a couple of places, and it just wasn't as engaging to watch. His kicks weren't sharp enough. I'm surprised it was chosen to open the show.

I don't usually comment on anything other than the dancing, but what a treat to see Amy Dowden reading the T&Cs. Amy has been very open about her breast cancer treatment on social media, but I am not sure how much the core Strictly audience would know about what she has been facing. It was wonderful to see her, and all the love that everyone at the show has for her. Can't wait to see her back on the dancefloor.

On to Angela & Kai's quickstep to Do Re Mi. Their quickstep was slower than others we have seen on the show, but it was exactly the kind of quickstep being taught in classes all across the country and the steps were recognisable quickstep steps. I loved the ending where they walked up the steps, which is such an iconic setting in the film. Angela continues to deliver, and if we take nothing else from this series, then Kai in leafy lederhosen is enough. I agree with the judges that Angela could do with keeping her arms up, but she is lovely to watch.

Zara & Graziano definitely showed improvement. Their paso wasn't as finessed as I would have liked. It was a bit 'walky' in places, and there was a point where she was moving using the same arm as leg. It baffles me how people do that because it takes so much more effort than opposition. I loved the attitude of the dance and it was good to see Zara's confidence grow.

I pretty much agreed with everything Craig said about Layton & Nikita's Viennese waltz. It had a little too much attack and lacked the softness that the song dictates. Layton needs to let Nikita lead. He is such a competent dancer who always know the choreography, it's difficult not to anticipate and just go for it. And yes, that sickled toe was not pretty. Layton is still fantastic, but not as strong as previous weeks.

Angela & Carlos' Charleston was spot on. Brilliant side-by-side work, sustained energy throughout, great partnership, quirky facial expressions. It was everything a Charleston should be. It didn't matter that the majortiy of the audience wouldn't be familiar with the film. You don't need to be to enjoy what they did on the dancefloor. 

I liked Amanda & Giovanni's rumba better than the judges seemed to. The thing that bothered me about Amanda (aside from THAT) is that she doesn't close her feet together properly on the turns, yet she does on all the other steps.

The jive was definitely an improvement for Nikita & Gorka. She looked as though she was having fun. The dance still lacked energy in places, and her heavy legs and upturned toes were not pretty. But I appreciated all the effort she had put into the performance. 

Ellie & Vita's Viennese waltz was enchanting. She is such a beautiful dancer, and I am wondering already if there is anything she cannot do. Her footwork is gorgeous, their waltz steps glided around the floor. It was all lovely and flat. Vito does love to pick up accents in the music too. Great musicality. Loved it.

All throughout Bobby & Dianne's samba, I kept thinking about those 1970s clips they sometimes show of Nigel Lythgoe. Maybe it was the costume. Lots of samba content, lovely voltas and samba walks. I wish there had been some samba rolls, but maybe their height difference didn't really facilitate it.

Jody & Jowita's American smooth was very sweet, and a good effort considering their truncated practice time. Jody just needs to work on his posture in hold, where he tends to lean forward and over Jowita. Out of hold, or in a looser hold, he looks good, and he is starting to finish his movements in a more attractive way.

I liked Eddie & Karen's Couple's Choice (what is the choice now, btw?), but it didn't blow me away. I think that was down to the choreography rather than the performance. I really didn't get what was supposed to be happening during the first visit to the white table. High energy and well performed.

Annabel & Johannes' waltz was classy. I think there was a little error part way though, but otherwise it was good. Annabel had an odd expression on her face throughout was really odd. I am not sure if it was fear or concentration, but a smile would've been much nicer.

Adam & Luba's jive was bright and bouncy like the characters they were representing. I think that the characterisation allowed them to get away with a little less technical precision. I enjoyed watching it, mostly because of Adam's cheeky face. I'm sure there are probably loads of clips of tots bopping along to this on Instagram.

You can't fail but to love Krishnan & Lauren. He was fully in character as Emcee. His dancing continues to improve, and this was an enjoyable Charleston. It was very different to Angela's Charleston, but it entertained almost as much. I hope they get to stay for a while yet.

Angela S. was my favourite of the night, followed by Ellie. I think that the right two ended up in the dance-off, and it was the right result for Nikita to go home. I'm sad that we didn't get time to get to know Nikita more, because she's such a lovely woman, but her time on the dancefloor was definitely up.