Strictly Come Blogging

Louise. Lou. Loulabelle. Loulabelle44. Louby.
Proudly blogging about Strictly Come Dancing ALL YEAR ROUND since 2006. Always spoiler-free.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Lesson 8

I missed last week's lesson because I went to see the legendary Dolly Parton at Wembley. She was amazing, but I'm not here to talk about that.

We packed quite a lot into our hour last night. There were less people in the class than there have been on other occasions, which meant we could progress things around the floor. We started with quickstep (although we kept it un-quick for most of the time). It was great to link things and start them over to progress around the floor. I might not get too stressed when I go to a ball after all!

Then we went back to the waltz. It's the first time we'd done waltz in ages, and it took a while for the change from quickstep to sink in. I kept wanting to pack more steps in, and put chassés in where they shouldn't be.

We finished up with rumba. Again, we did more than previously. I love the rumba. It's so sexy, although I have to admit it's more fun to do than watch.

Things are really starting to motor along now. It's definitely less 'absolute beginner' and more 'novice' now. The pace is picking up, which I really love. I'm starting to feel less like a startled bunny and more like something that resembles a dancer!

Sadly, I have to go three weeks until I have another lesson. Next week I'm off to see Aled Jones in concert, and the week after is Easter Monday. I would presume the studios are closed that day. So no lesson until 15th April, which sounds like an age away. I'm like a child waiting for Christmas.


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