Strictly Come Blogging

Louise. Lou. Loulabelle. Loulabelle44. Louby.
Proudly blogging about Strictly Come Dancing ALL YEAR ROUND since 2006. Always spoiler-free.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Everything To Dance For

You may or may not have heard of Everything To Dance For. It's a movie which has been in post-production for a fair old while now.

The movie is about Ellie, played by Sasha Jackson, a schoolgirl who wants to dance but her family can't afford the lessons. Ellie gets a job to pay for lessons, and after trying ballet in a class where she doesn't fit in, she finds that belly dancing suits her better. The film covers a lot of hard-hitting topics, including bullying and poverty.

Strictly fans should note that the film also features an appearance by our own Brendan Cole!

Pearl Howie, the film's director, has set up a MySpace, and blogs that she hopes it will be released in early 2007. Music clearance has taken quite a time.

There is also an official website for the film. And Sasha Jackson also has some pics on her website, including some lovely ones of Mr. Cole.

Here's the trailer.


  • At 12:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks so much for the lovely intro - I hope that everyone gets to see the movie soon and I really hope you like it!

    x Pearl


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